
With years of experience taking on patients who have had poor outcomes elsewhere or been declined by ophthalmologists for vision correction, Dr. Wu is devoted to helping every patient find the right vision enhancement option for them. Similarly, she and the One EyeCare team believe every patient should have access to these treatments and not be held back by cost.

One EyeCare accepts various forms of payment, including cash, checks, and most credit cards. We are happy to provide a breakdown of costs for your appointment if needed and will be upfront about costs. Explore our financing options below, and feel free to contact us at (949) 208-9090 with any questions or concerns!

Insurance and Flexible Spending Accounts

One EyeCare partners with multiple insurance providers to make your vision care more accessible. We partner with VSP, Eyemed, and MES. If you’re unsure whether we can take your insurance, please call us to verify.

Additionally, many employers offer Flexible Spending Account (FSA) options, sometimes called “cafeteria plans.” These supplemental insurance saving plants are elective and designed to help you save money pre-tax for medical expenses. If your employer offers FSA, you may be able to use this to cover out-of-pocket expenses for exams, glasses, or vision correction procedures at One EyeCare.

Dr. Wu and One EyeCare are also proud to offer CareCredit® and Alphaeon®. These healthcare financing credit cards make it easy to get treatments when you need them and pay for them over time. They offer a fast application process, low monthly payments with no-interest options, and flexible payment plans.

Apply for CareCredit® or find out if you pre-qualify for Alphaeon® today without hurting your credit score! With these convenient financing options, clear vision is finally in sight.

Goodbye, Glasses
and Contacts.

Hello, Clear Vision!

To schedule a one-on-one consultation with our expert staff at One Eyecare Group, fill out our consultation form or call us at (949) 208-9090.